IA 04

Cameron Smith
Dr. Chung
BUS 105
5 December 2018
IA 04
I attended Chatham’s Business and Entrepreneurship Club Accounting and Information Systems Networking Mixer on September 25th. The event had speakers that spent a little while talking about a number of things. The speakers took time to talk to the audience about aspects of business and then allowed for the audience to ask questions that they wanted a professional’s answer on. The event included a two hour panel that was conducted by Dr. Chung. On this panel was Tom Bartos, the CFO of Cognistx, Jim Marino, technology manager at PNC and professor at Chatham University, Dan Desko, the team leader of auditing and risk management at Schneider Downs. The panel consisted of Dr. Chung asking the three panelists a question that they would answer. This event was very helpful and allowed me to learn much additional information.
My takeaway from this event was that it is very possible for people to be successful in their small section of business. In particular, I learned that people do use technology and information systems in their daily life and can be very successful doing so. In the textbook, the chapter on information systems, especially the focus on careers in IS, discuss the amount of technology and the ability to use these systems is important and capable of providing a very solid career. In class we have had people who work in information systems speak to us and the event really put in context the careers that these individuals have and the success that people have in this career path. Informationweek.com provides more context by providing a lot of factual information relating to the information systems career.
This event was very successful in making providing information and giving factual proof of the success of these careers and the practicality of knowing and using information systems. I am glad that I attended this event and was able to come away with the the knowledge that I obtained while at the event. My hope would be to go to more of these events and continue to learn more about specific fields.

(n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.informationweek.com/digitalsubscription?itc=MP_IWK_DI_IWKDIGSUB_HEAD


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