Cameron Smith
Dr. Chung
10 December 2018
On September 14th, guest speaker Dr. Charlotte Lott came in to speak to our class. Dr. Lott is an economics professor at Chatham University. Before becoming a professor at Chatham, Dr. Lott was an academic librarian at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. She came in to talk to the class about several aspects and provided a brief overview of working in economics.
The class was somewhat aware of the aspects of economics due to the business textbooks that were used throughout the Business 105 course. The lecture was related to aspects of business due to the large amount of overlap in the curriculum in the two courses. Personally, Dr. Lott also teaches my microeconomics class and has provided me with a large amount of information throughout the semester. The lecture went hand and hand with the Wall Street Journal because both were heavily economics based and provide solid information. In the textbook, student were capable of learning a lot of information relating to the smaller details of economics.
Dr.  Lott was an educational guest speaker and provided a lot of information about economics that I believe resonated with a lot of the students due to her attentiveness and ability to teach without visual aids, etc. Dr. Lott was successful in her lecture and seeing her as a guest speaker was a positive experience that I would sit through again.


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